Thursday, July 2 Instead of our normal Tuesday night gathering, we will meet on Thursday, July 2 for Evening Prayer, Dinner, and Special Presentation on Colon Cancer by Dr. Jasmine Malcom, a former parishioner of Annunciation. ________________________________ July 5th at Annunciation We will celebrate July 4th on Sunday, July 5. Powdered wigs welcome! After the service, we will have a picnic in the parish hall. The church is supplying the meat, so please sign up for side dishes and desserts. See Robin Yeager for more information. ________________________________ Volunteer Ministry Update Last week was very busy. 60 youth were here from St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Edina, Minnesota. This week, 30 youth from Rye Presbyterian outside New York City arrive. Rye has come down for over five years. ________________________________ Nursery Workers Needed We are looking to hire two people to regularly work in the nursery on Sundays. If you know of someone who may be qualified, please let Fr. Duane know. ________________________________ Children’s Christian Education Coord. We are looking to hire Children’s Christian Education Coordinator to lead Sunday School for our children, ages 6-12. If you know of someone who may be qualified, please let Fr. Duane know. ________________________________ Altar Flowers If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please see Suzanne Fontan or email her at [email protected]. |
©2016 Free Church of the Annunciation - Episcopal