Sunday Flower Memorial
Today's Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Helen Pool Chalstrom by Louise Morgan. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please contact the Altar Guild director, Suzanne Fontan, at (504) 430-6879 or [email protected]. The suggested donation is $40. Special Collection TODAY, 9/16: Community Mission Appeal The Community Mission Appeal (CMA) was established in order to help parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana reach out to their neighbors who are most in need. Funds for the CMA are raised through parish appeals throughout the Diocese, as well as individual contributions. The amount to be distributed will depend upon the success of those efforts. Last year, we were able to award $27,250 to these ministries. You may place checks payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in the regular collection. Be sure to write "Community Mission Appeal" or "CMA" on the memo line. Donations may also be made online at or mailed to the following address: Community Mission Appeal Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana 1623 Seventh Street New Orleans, LA 70115 Volunteer Ministry Celebration Sunday, Sept. 30 We will celebrate 13 years of hosting volunteers in the city at the service on Sunday, September 30. A luncheon hosted by the Vestry will follow in the parish hall. During this time we will celebrate the great success and blessing of having hosted almost 17,750 volunteers and $13,850,000 in volunteer labor to the City of New Orleans. 110 families returned to their houses directly by Annunciation’s efforts and countless more families returned to their homes through other rebuilding organizations where our volunteers worked, including houses in Baton Rouge after their floods two years ago. COME AND CELEBRATE GOD’S GOODNESS IN THIS MINISTRY! Small Groups Meeting Schedule If you are not already in a small group, now is the perfect time to join! Ask any of the leaders listed for more info.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER TODAY: Vestry & Church Officers Training - Saturday, 9/22 9am-12pm The Diocese of Louisiana is holding a Vestry and Officer Training Day on Saturday, September 22 from 9am-12pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (New Orleans). This will take the place of the September meeting. Vestry members please sign up at Annunciation is searching for an Office Manager Midsize Broadmoor church seeks part-time Office Manager. Duties include bookkeeping, coordinating maintenance, answering phones, managing office, running errands, and serving as support to the parish. Experience preferred in bookkeeping as well as familiarity with Quickbooks, Word or Pages, and Excel. For the right candidate, we are willing to train in bookkeeping and Quickbooks. 15 hours a week, M-W-F, 10-3 p.m. (hours negotiable and may increase in busy times). The Office Manager will attend the monthly Vestry meeting, held one evening a month. References required. Pay and benefits commensurate upon experience. Send resume with cover letter to Annette Sisco at [email protected]. Employment is open to all without regard to age, ethnicity, race, skin color, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. Fall Gathering of the Greater New Orleans Episcopal Church Women The Fall Gathering of the Greater New Orleans Episcopal Church Women will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2018, at St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 3643 Aurora Drive, New Orleans, LA 70131. This is a wonderful opportunity to share church activities with other churches in the area. Please see Maureen or Marcie on Sunday for car pooling information, or call Maureen at 504-453-1295. Little Free Pantry - CANNED GOODS DRIVE COMPETITION We are doing another canned goods drive competition, but this time instead of competing against each other, Annunciation will be competing against our preschool, Child Development Program! Starting Sunday, Sept 9th, and running through the end of September. Bring in your goods, don’t let the preschoolers beat us! Put them in the box in Vail Hall. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Vestry Meeting - Thursday 10/18 @6:30pm The next Vestry meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 18 at 6:30pm. Vestry members and officers, please email your reports and any discussion items to Rev. Duane or Annette by Monday, October 15. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thanksgiving Day Meal Gladewaves Foundation is partnering again with Annunciation to put on the community Thanksgiving meal at Annunciation. Rosanne Adderley has agreed to co-chair the event with Rev. Duane. We will need volunteers to assist on Thanksgiving Day. If you are interested in helping, please sign up with Rosanne Adderley or Rev. Duane. Missed Last Sunday? If you missed last Sunday’s service, or you would like to hear Rev. Duane’s sermon again, every week a link to the previous Sunday’s sermon will be included with the emailed Weekly News. You can also find the sermon recordings on our website, If you are not already receiving the emailed Weekly News and would like to be, email Rev. Duane at [email protected] to be added to the list. Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Linda Guillory, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Roland Hoffmann, Joseph Carr, Sebastian Terrell, Jane Mertens, Laurel Clarke, Corey Perkins, Melissa Dousenberg, Rachel Huskey, Jane Willis, Roberta Lamonica, Kelly Los, Daniel Elizardi, KeShuna Jones Lee, and Merrilyn Cobert. Prayers for deployed soldiers: Specialist Eddie Thomas. Prayers for safe travels: None. Prayers for the repose of the soul: Bunny Walker Prayers for birthdays: Russell Young Sr (09/06), Pamela Meredith (09/08), Glenys Hall (09/21), Rhyder McGuire (09/23), and Steven Kennedy (09/30). To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Rev. Duane at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext.1. Announcements follow the service in Vail Hall! In order to allow for more community announcements, parishioners are now invited to make announcements directly after the service in Vail Hall, over coffee and pastries. A bell will be rung to signal when announcements are starting. Wanted: News of local civic events, family milestones, updates on former parishioners, charitable causes seeking support, PSAs, etc. Announcements are also wanted for this newsletter! Please contact Rev. Duane Wiggin-Nettles to have your news published at (504) 895-8697 ext. 1, [email protected]. The DEADLINE for new announcements is Wednesdays at Noon to make the Sunday Weekly News. Stepping Stones Young Adult Retreat
April 28th, 9:30AM - 4PM, St. James, Baton Rouge. This retreat is the second in a series of young adult lay discernment retreats for anyone 18-39 years old who wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus and asks questions like “What is God calling me to do?” or “How do I recognize the Spirit moving in my life?” For more information, visit Little Free Pantry Donations from the parish are welcome. Put them in the box in Vail Hall. The pantry was generously donated by Gustavo Gutierrez and Janie Glade, a long-time friend of Annunciation, who will also maintain it. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Stock the Little Free Pantry Competition - FINAL COUNT The GOLD TEAM has won! After an early and consistent lead by the Black Team, and then a dramatic back-and-forth, the Gold Team has pulled ahead and won the competition with an impressive 263 total items, beating the Black Team's total 232 items. Thank you to everyone who contributed! The Little Free Pantry is a great way that we serve the Broadmoor community, so please continue to bring in items throughout the year, so we can keep providing for our neighbors in need. Flower Memorials This Sunday's Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Joyce Barre by her grandson Christopher Escalante, and in loving memory of James Antony on his birthday by his sister Marcie Courtney. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please contact the Altar Guild director, Suzanne Fontan, at (504) 430-6879 or [email protected]. The suggested donation is $40. Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Robin Yeager, Linda Guillory, Chris Miller, Doug Kuylen, Julie Zitzmann, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Roland Hoffmann, Peter Waring, Al Bemiss, Joseph Carr, Mark & Amanda Emery, and Sebastian Terrell. Prayers for safe travels: None. Prayers for the repose of the soul: None. Prayers for birthdays: None. To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Karen Hall at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext. 1. Last Lent Hurrah: Crawfish Boil on Holy Saturday. 3/31 3p-5p at Annunciation
We will end the penitential season on Saturday, March 31 from 3p-5p with a crawfish boil. Everyone is invited to a fun time with crawfish, beer, and/or tea. Invite your friends! At 5pm, we will light the new Easter fire in a short 15-minute service and mark the beginning of Easter. A suggested donation of $12. See Annette Sisco for more details. Second Collection: Fr. Diaz Sunday’s second collection goes to aid Fr. Diaz’s work in Honduras. Fr. Diaz is priest over 35 Episcopal (Anglican) churches and missions in two areas of Honduras. Annunciation has supported Fr. Diaz and his predecessor for over five years. Please give during the regular offering using the envelopes in the bulletins. Stepping Stones Young Adult Retreat April 28th, 9:30AM - 4PM, St. James, Baton Rouge. This retreat is the second in a series of young adult lay discernment retreats for anyone 18-39 years old who wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus and asks questions like “What is God calling me to do?” or “How do I recognize the Spirit moving in my life?” For more information, visit Little Free Pantry Donations from the parish are welcome. Put them in the box in Vail Hall. The pantry was generously donated by Gustavo Gutierrez and Janie Glade, a long-time friend of Annunciation, who will also maintain it. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Stock the Little Free Pantry Competition The BLACK TEAM has come back! The Gold Team pulled ahead two short weeks ago, and this week the Black Team fought back! This Sunday, Easter Day is the LAST CHANCE you have to donate and win points for your team! The Black Team currently beats the Gold team by 8 items. If you are a musician or sit on the the Narthex side on the church, you are on the GOLD team. Everyone else on the Jena St. side of the church, you are on the BLACK team. Which team is the most generous? Also, there are 37 items that were left on the pew in the hallway last week in brown paper Robert's bags with no team indicated. Did you leave them? (Be honest, God knows.) If so, let Karen know so your team gets credit! Father Duane Out of Office Fr. Duane will be off from Monday, April 2-Saturday, April 7. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call the Senior Warden, Annette Sisco, who can get in touch with Fr. Duane. Annette can be reached at 504-432-9257. Shades of Praise FREE Concert Friday, April 6th, 7-8pm, at St. Paul’s UCC Church, 600 Eleonore St. Featuring this year’s Jazz Fest selections Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Robin Yeager, Linda Guillory, Chris Miller, Doug Kuylen, Julie Zitzmann, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Roland Hoffmann, Peter Waring, Al Bemiss, Joseph Carr, and Mark & Amanda Emery. Prayers for safe travels: None. Prayers for the repose of the soul: None. Prayers for birthdays: Jessica Holl Kennedy, Martha Lapeyre, and Vivienne Lapeyre. To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Karen Hall at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext. 1. Dear friends,
We had a great Palm Sunday as we welcomed many people into our church! Please give a warm welcome to Miuna, Karen, Bates, Lisa, Traci, Tina, Pamela, Forrest, and Leigh the next time you see them. It is exciting to see our faith community incorporate others as we share the gift of Annunciation and join in God's work in our community. The New Orleans Advocate came out and took some shots of our Palms and Pony Procession. You can check out the pics here: Finally, our Holy Week schedule this year is:
I pray you take time this Holy Week to stop and walk in the way of the cross with Jesus. Put the world aside. Pause your life. And bring your focus on Christ who loves you and invites you into God's presence. In peace, Fr. Duane+ Last Lent Hurrah: Crawfish Boil on Holy Saturday. 3/31 3p-5p at Annunciation
We will end the penitential season on Saturday, March 31 from 3p-5p with a crawfish boil. Everyone is invited to a fun time with crawfish, beer, and/or tea. Invite your friends! At 5pm, we will light the new Easter fire in a short 15-minute service and mark the beginning of Easter. A suggested donation of $12. See Annette Sisco for more details. Easter Memorial Easter will be observed at Annunciation on April the 1st. If you would like to honor departed loved ones or offer thanksgiving, please fill out the Easter Memorial form included with the bulletin. The deadline for submitting the form is TODAY March 25 (Palm Sunday). Second Collection: Bishop’s Fund Today’s second collection is for the Bishop’s Fund. The Bishop’s Fund goes toward emergencies and non-budgeted ministries. The first collection plate during the offertory solo is for regular tithes and offerings. The plate will be passed again during the offertory hymn for the Bishop’s Fund. We will collect for Father Diaz next week, on Easter Day. Stepping Stones Young Adult Retreat April 28th, 9:30AM - 4PM, St. James, Baton Rouge. This retreat is the second in a series of young adult lay discernment retreats for anyone 18-39 years old who wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus and asks questions like “What is God calling me to do?” or “How do I recognize the Spirit moving in my life?” For more information, visit Little Free Pantry Donations from the parish are welcome. Put them in the box in Vail Hall. The pantry was generously donated by Gustavo Gutierrez and Janie Glade, a long-time friend of Annunciation, who will also maintain it. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Stock the Little Free Pantry Competition The GOLD TEAM has pulled ahead! The Black Team has led the competition by a long shot for all of Lent, until this past week. Members of the Gold Team donated a staggering 115 items over the course of the past week, and are now beating the Black Team by 38 items! This Sunday and Easter Day are the last chances you have to donate and win points for your team! See above for details on the types of donations needed. If you are a musician or sit on the the Narthex side on the church, you are on the GOLD team. Everyone else on the Jena St. side of the church, you are on the BLACK team. Shades of Praise FREE Concert Friday, April 6th, 7-8pm, at St. Paul’s UCC Church, 600 Eleonore St. Featuring this year’s Jazz Fest selections Flower Memorials If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please contact the Altar Guild director, Suzanne Fontan, at (504) 430-6879 or [email protected]. The suggested donation is $40. Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Robin Yeager, Linda Guillory, Chris Miller, Doug Kuylen, Julie Zitzmann, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Roland Hoffmann, Peter Waring, Al Bemiss, Joseph Carr, and Mark & Amanda Emery. Prayers for safe travels: None. Prayers for the repose of the soul: Jack Smith. Prayers for birthdays: None. To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Karen Hall at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext. 1. Little Free Pantry
Donations from the parish are welcome. Put them in the box in Vail Hall. The pantry was generously donated by Gustavo Gutierrez and Janie Glade, a long-time friend of Annunciation, who will also maintain it. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Stock the Little Free Pantry Competition We need to donations for the Little Free Pantry, so through Lent we are doing a competitive drive to restock the Pantry. See above for details on the types of donations needed. If you are a musician or sit on the the Narthex side on the church, you are on the GOLD team. Everyone else on the Jena St. side of the church, you are on the BLACK team. You earn one point for your team per item donated to the pantry during Lent. Which team is the most generous? Want to join Annunciation? Would you like to join Annunciation? The short answer is join one of the small group. During Lent, small groups will discuss what it means to be an Episcopalian and what it means to be a member of Annunciation. The small groups will sponsor people when Bishop Morris Thompson comes on Sunday, March 25 to confirm and receive anyone into the church. Anyone seeking to transfer their letter from another Episcopal Church will also be recognized through this process. See Fr. Duane for more details. Small Groups Meeting Schedule Karen & Avery’s Group: March 7 & March 14, 6:30pm in Vail Hall Rosanne’s Group: March 22, 6pm in Vail Hall Maureen’s Group: March 7 & March 21, 10am in Narthex Annette’s Group: March 7 & 21, 6pm in Vail Hall Second Collection: Fr. Diaz Today’s second collection goes to aid Fr. Diaz’s work in Honduras. Fr. Diaz is priest over 35 Episcopal (Anglican) churches and missions in two areas of Honduras. Annunciation has supported Fr. Diaz and his predecessor for over five years. Please give during the regular offering using the envelopes in the bulletins. Easter Memorial Easter will be observed at Annunciation on April the 1st. If you would like to honor departed loved ones or offer thanksgiving, please fill out the Easter Memorial form included with the bulletin. The deadline for submitting the form is March 25 (Palm Sunday). Parish Administrator Out of Office Karen Hall, Parish Administrator, will be out of the office this Friday, March 9th. Please get any announcements you have in to her by 2pm this Wednesday. Last Lent Hurrah: Crawfish Boil on Holy Saturday. 3/31 3p-5p at Annunciation We will end the penitential season on Saturday, March 31 from 3p-5p with a crawfish boil. Everyone is invited to a fun time with crawfish, beer, and/or tea. Invite your friends! At 5pm, we will light the new Easter fire in a short 15-minute service and mark the beginning of Easter. A suggested donation of $12. See Annette Sisco for more details. Flower Memorials If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please contact the Altar Guild director, Suzanne Fontan, at (504) 430-6879 or [email protected]. The suggested donation is $40. Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Robin Yeager, Hazel Rue, Linda Guillory, Chris Miller, Doug Kuylen, Julie Zitzmann, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Roland Hoffmann, Peter Waring, Al Bemiss, Jack Smith, and Carol Kerrigan. Prayers for safe travels: None. Prayers for the repose of the soul: Leslie Graf and William “Billy” Graham. Prayers for birthdays: Traci Christen (02/27), Sadie Whiteside (03/01), Jasa Gruver (03/02) and Elizabeth Gruver (03/03). To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Karen Hall at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext. 1. Father Duane's Sermon 2/25 In today’s reading, we hear God call Abram and Sarai and give them a new identity. He changes their name and establishes a relationship with them. God also seeks to establish a relationship and identity with us in baptism, as we learned last Sunday. So what is confirmation? Is it necessary if we are baptized? Why does a bishop confirm when a priest can administer most other sacraments? We continue our five-part sermon series on the sacraments and how this relates to being Christian, a follower of Christ. The sermon is based on Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 and was preached by Fr. Duane Wiggin-Nettles at Church of the Annunciation, with a similar sermon preached at Mt. Olivet Episcopal Church. Announcements follow the service in Vail Hall! In order to allow for more community announcements, parishioners are now invited to make announcements directly after the service in Vail Hall, over coffee and pastries. A bell will be rung to signal when announcements are starting. Wanted: News of local civic events, family milestones, updates on former parishioners, charitable causes seeking support, PSAs, etc. Announcements are also wanted for this newsletter! Please contact Karen Hall to have your news published at (504) 895-8697 ext. 1, [email protected]. The DEADLINE for new announcements is Wednesdays at Noon to make the Sunday Weekly News. Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday services will be held at 12PM at Mount Olivet and 6PM here at Annunciation. There will be no childcare during these services. Rex Parade Party Pew Restoration Fundraiser Marcie Courtney is once again organizing our annual Rex Parade party on Mardi Gras Day. The church will provide hamburgers. Please sign up with Marcie to bring a party food if you are interested in attending. Parking is FREE to any church member who has already made a pew pledge. Parking is also available for $20 per vehicle for guests and the public. We hope to make more than the $440 raised for Annunciation last year! If you get there early, park on the street so we can charge for every possible spot. Everyone is asked to make a donation, including church members and their guests. Marcie can be contacted at [email protected] or 504-214-8314. We need volunteers to help manage the parking lot. Please let Marcie know if you are available to help with this. ALSO, if you have CDs of Mardi Gras music, please bring them with you! Little Free Pantry Donations from the parish are welcome. Put them in the box in Vail Hall. The pantry was generously donated by Gustavo Gutierrez and Janie Glade, a long-time friend of Annunciation, who will also maintain it. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Stock the Little Free Pantry Competition We need to donations for the Little Free Pantry, so through Lent we are doing a competitive drive to restock the Pantry. See above for details on the types of donations needed. If you are a musician or sit on the the Narthex side on the church, you are on the GOLD team. Everyone else on the Jena St. side of the church, you are on the BLACK team. You earn one point for your team per item donated to the pantry during Lent. Which team is the most generous? Want to join Annunciation? Would you like to join Annunciation? The short answer is join one of the small group. Beginning in Lent, small groups will discuss what it means to be an Episcopalian and what it means to be a member of Annunciation. The small groups will sponsor people when Bishop Morris Thompson comes on Sunday, March 25 to confirm and receive anyone into the church. Anyone seeking to transfer their letter from another Episcopal Church will also be recognized through this process. See Fr. Duane for more details. Celebration of Richard Allen and Absalom Jones Please mark your calendars for a celebration honoring Richard Allen and Absalom Jones on Saturday, February 17th at 11:00 am.This event is sponsored by the Union of Black Episcopalians with support from Historic St. James AME Church, the Diocese's Commission for Racial Reconciliation, St. Anna's Church, St. Luke's Church and Trinity. The service will be at Trinity, 1329 Jackson Ave., followed by a reception. More information to follow or contact Trevor David Bryan at 504-352-7670. Flower Memorials Today's Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of the birthday of her mother, Alma Hinkson, by Maureen Young. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please contact the Altar Guild director, Suzanne Fontan, at (504) 430-6879 or [email protected]. The suggested donation is $40. Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Hazel Rue, Linda Guillory, Chris Miller, Doug Kuylen, Julie Zitzmann, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Leslie Graf, Roland Hoffmann, Peter Waring, Al Bemiss, Jack Smith, and Carol Kerrigan. Prayers for safe travels: none Prayers for the repose of the soul: Michael Markanus, John Burgess, son of Carla Burgess, Marie Jouty, grandmother of Manette Breaux, and Darlene Selmen. Prayers for birthdays: Tracy Breax (02/06) and Fr. Duane Wiggin-Nettles (02/11). To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Karen Hall at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext. 1. Announcements follow the service in Vail Hall! In order to allow for more community announcements, parishioners are now invited to make announcements directly after the service in Vail Hall, over coffee and pastries. A bell will be rung to signal when announcements are starting. Wanted: News of local civic events, family milestones, updates on former parishioners, charitable causes seeking support, PSAs, etc. Announcements are also wanted for this newsletter! Please contact Karen Hall to have your news published at (504) 895-8697 ext. 1, [email protected]. The DEADLINE for new announcements is Wednesdays at Noon to make the Sunday Weekly News. Dear friends,
Do you want to join Annunciation? Would you like to tell all your friends you have officially joined the Church of the Holy Monty Python? The short answer is join one of the small group. Beginning in Lent, small groups will discuss what it means to be an Episcopalian and what it means to be a member of Annunciation. The small groups will sponsor people when Bishop Morris Thompson comes on Sunday, March 25 to confirm and receive anyone into the church. Anyone seeking to transfer their letter from another Episcopal Church will also be recognized through this process and welcomed as a member on March 25 as well. If you are unable to attend a small group, please see me. I'm also happy to meet with you one-on-one to answer any questions you may have. In peace, Fr. Duane+ Dear Annunciation, Happy New Year and 10th day of Christmas! Can you believe it's already 2018? The Christmas Eve service was very special this year. I've attached a photo below. You can also visit our Facebook page to hear Miriam Kennedy's beautiful solo at the start of the service. (You don't have to sign up for Facebook to view the video posted on December 25, 2017. When the "Do you want to sign up?" pops up, click "not now.") This Sunday, January 7, 2018, we will mark Epiphany with a service of Lessons and Carols. This is a family service. The children will bring up the Wise Men from the rear of the church. There will be a special presentation of the Gospel similar to what the children hear each week in Godly Play. We will also have a duet by Jessica and Mother Jane-Allison as well as other special music. This will mark the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Epiphany-tide also known as Carnival Season to those of us in New Orleans! Immediately following the service, we will have the Annual Parish Meeting. This is a time for a new Vestry to be elected as well as for us to reflect on 2017 and discuss some plans and ideas for 2018. The meeting will last no more than one hour. We have much to celebrate! While only members can vote for the Vestry, anyone who attends Annunciation is welcome to attend the Annual Parish Meeting. It is a necessary and important part of our community life. You will be out in plenty of time for the Saints game. The meeting is a potluck lunch, so please bring something for us to all share. There is no sign up sheet. Bring something delicious like you always do! :) In peace, Fr. Duane+ |
©2016 Free Church of the Annunciation - Episcopal