Tuesday Nights. We will gather on Tuesday, July 19 at 6pm for Eucharist and Adult Education in the Church. We will continue to watch the remainder of BBC’s TV series The Rev over dinner.
The Funeral Service for Gary Yeager, the husband of Robin Yeager, will be held at Annunciation Church on Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 11am. Visitation will be from 10am - 11am. Please remember Robin and her family in your prayers this week. Priest Sharing. Fr. Duane Wiggin-Nettles is now serving also serving as part-time Vicar of Mt. Olivet Episcopal Church in Algiers Point. We are looking for ways for our two parishes to work together. Godly Play Classes continue this summer for children heading into Kindergarten through 6th grade. The classroom off the rear hallway, located behind the church. The Nursery is in classroom off Vail Parish Hall for babies through pre-Kindergarten. Volunteers. We welcome youth from Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee and youth from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Columbus, Mississippi. They will be working at Annunciation and Mt. Olivet this week. We also welcome Grace Episcopal Church in St. Francisville, Louisiana who will be staying with us and working with a number of Episcopal ministries in New Orleans. Welcome to all! Today’s Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Alma Hinkson on the anniversary of her birthday by Maureen Young, her daughter. Announcements for Sunday, July 17, 2016
Today’s Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Katherine Rose by Louise Morgan. ________________ Tuesday Nights. We will gather on Tuesday, July 19 at 6pm for Eucharist and Adult Education in the church. We will continue to watch the remainder of BBC’s The Rev over dinner. ________________ Priest Sharing. Fr. Duane Wiggin-Nettles is now serving also serving as part-time Vicar of Mt. Olivet Episcopal Church in Algiers Point. We are looking for ways for our two parishes to work together. ________________ Vestry meets. Vestry will meet today at 12:30pm in the parish hall. ________________ Godly Play Classes continue this summer for children heading into Kindergarten through 6th grade. The classroom off the rear hallway, located behind the church. ________________ The Nursery is in classroom off Vail Parish Hall for babies through pre-Kindergarten. ________________ Music. Jeffrey Pounds will be with us today to play the organ for our services while Steve and Jessica are away. Steve and Jessica return next Sunday. What about him? A sermon on the Good Samaritan.
Proper 10 - Year C - Revised Common Lectionary
Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Psalm 25:1-9 Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 |
©2016 Free Church of the Annunciation - Episcopal