HOW DO WE DEEPEN OUR COMMITMENT TO GOD? Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day. We’re approaching a time of year when we count our blessings, celebrate a great holy-day (holiday) of our Christian faith, and resolve to do better in the New Year. In the church year, the New Year begins on the first Sunday of Advent, which is November 27, 2016 this year, and several short weeks later January 1 as well. In many churches at this time of year, annual pledge drives are held asking members to recommit and increase their giving to the church. The Vestry and Fr. Duane felt called to expand Annunciation’s first pledge drive in over five years to something more. We are not a church about money but rather we are deeply concerned and committed to seeing one another grow in our faith. So as we approach this time of year when we recommit ourselves to our families, our faith, our future, we invite you to ask yourself: How will I recommit myself to God in 2017? What is my pledge to God? Here at Annunciation, we commit to God in several ways.
The first part is a self-evaluation. What are you currently committing of yourself to God? The second part are your goals. We strongly suggest you pick no more than two areas for improvement. Our faith journey is the journey of our lives. God isn’t looking for spiritual perfection. God simply asks for our best effort to live our lives according to Jesus Christ. Click here to listen to this year's Pledge Drive sermon. Scroll down to November 13, 2016. In Christ, Fr. Duane Wiggin-Nettles 14th Rector |
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