K10: Sat, 8/29 @3:30pm On Saturday, August 29 at 3:30pm, Annunciation will host a Tenth Anniversary Interfaith Prayer Service for the Broadmoor neighborhood as part of our neighborhood’s remembrance and thanksgiving celebrations. We will be joined by the other churches in the neighborhood. The Rev. Hal Roark will preach. ________________________________ Mid-week Evening Prayer on Thursday There will be no mid-week Evening Prayer service until after Labor Day. ________________________________ Fr. Diaz Collection Maureen Young collected $238 for Fr. Diaz in Honduras. Fr. Diaz is an Anglican priest we have supported for many years. He is priest to over thirty parishes and missions. ________________________________ Nursery Workers Needed We are looking to hire two people to regularly work in the nursery on Sundays. If you know of someone who may be qualified, please let Fr. Duane know. ________________________________ Christian Ed. Coordinator Needed We are looking to hire Children’s Christian Education Coordinator to lead Sunday School for our children, ages 6-12. If you know of someone who may be qualified, please let Fr. Duane know. ________________________________ Altar Flowers
Today’s altar flowers are donated To glory of God and in Thanksgiving for Donna Marie Darensbourg, on her birthday today by her mother, Lily Darensbourg. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please see Suzanne Fontan. You can contact her by phone at 504.430.6879 or by email at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
©2016 Free Church of the Annunciation - Episcopal