Annual Parish Meeting will be held on January 29, 2017 after the 10:45am service. A review of 2016 and a look ahead at 2017 will be the focus the meeting as well the election of new members to the Vestry. All members and regular attenders are strongly encouraged to attend.
Tuesday Nights - Resumes January 10, 2017 at 6:00pm. Holy Communion followed by dinner and Adult Education. We will go through the Newcomer Ministry Project from the Diocese of Texas. The vision of the Newcomer Ministry Project is “Cultivating new practices of invitation, welcome, and connection that are rooted and grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ will gradually change our congregations and help shape an authentic culture of effective newcomer ministry.” The program is used by over 75 congregations in the Diocese of Texas of all sizes. I hope you attend as many sessions as possible. It is very important that we educate ourselves on new approaches to inviting, welcoming, and connecting newcomers to our parish. Tax Credit Help Needed. We still have work to complete, so please see Robin Yeager to sign up to help finish the staining on the rectory. Once the rectory’s exterior decks are stained, the church can file to receive up to $50,000 in cash for historic tax credits. Godly Play Classes for children heading into Kindergarten through 6th grade meets in the classroom off the rear hallway, located behind the church. Nursery Help Needed. Colleen Nicholls, a junior at Tulane University, has been hired to work in the Nursery. Colleen was referred to us by Jessica Holl Kennedy. We still are looking for one more nursery worker. If you know of someone, please recommend them to Fr. Duane. The Nursery is in a classroom off Vail Parish Hall for babies through pre-Kindergarten (age 4.) Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study is at 10am. The Bible Study meets in the choir area at the back of the church. Using the African Bible Study method, the group will read and reflect on the readings for Sunday. Contact Suzanne Fontan for more details: 504-430-6879. Comments are closed.
©2016 Free Church of the Annunciation - Episcopal