Sunday Flower Memorial
Today's Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Helen Pool Chalstrom by Louise Morgan. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please contact the Altar Guild director, Suzanne Fontan, at (504) 430-6879 or [email protected]. The suggested donation is $40. Special Collection TODAY, 9/16: Community Mission Appeal The Community Mission Appeal (CMA) was established in order to help parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana reach out to their neighbors who are most in need. Funds for the CMA are raised through parish appeals throughout the Diocese, as well as individual contributions. The amount to be distributed will depend upon the success of those efforts. Last year, we were able to award $27,250 to these ministries. You may place checks payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in the regular collection. Be sure to write "Community Mission Appeal" or "CMA" on the memo line. Donations may also be made online at or mailed to the following address: Community Mission Appeal Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana 1623 Seventh Street New Orleans, LA 70115 Volunteer Ministry Celebration Sunday, Sept. 30 We will celebrate 13 years of hosting volunteers in the city at the service on Sunday, September 30. A luncheon hosted by the Vestry will follow in the parish hall. During this time we will celebrate the great success and blessing of having hosted almost 17,750 volunteers and $13,850,000 in volunteer labor to the City of New Orleans. 110 families returned to their houses directly by Annunciation’s efforts and countless more families returned to their homes through other rebuilding organizations where our volunteers worked, including houses in Baton Rouge after their floods two years ago. COME AND CELEBRATE GOD’S GOODNESS IN THIS MINISTRY! Small Groups Meeting Schedule If you are not already in a small group, now is the perfect time to join! Ask any of the leaders listed for more info.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER TODAY: Vestry & Church Officers Training - Saturday, 9/22 9am-12pm The Diocese of Louisiana is holding a Vestry and Officer Training Day on Saturday, September 22 from 9am-12pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (New Orleans). This will take the place of the September meeting. Vestry members please sign up at Annunciation is searching for an Office Manager Midsize Broadmoor church seeks part-time Office Manager. Duties include bookkeeping, coordinating maintenance, answering phones, managing office, running errands, and serving as support to the parish. Experience preferred in bookkeeping as well as familiarity with Quickbooks, Word or Pages, and Excel. For the right candidate, we are willing to train in bookkeeping and Quickbooks. 15 hours a week, M-W-F, 10-3 p.m. (hours negotiable and may increase in busy times). The Office Manager will attend the monthly Vestry meeting, held one evening a month. References required. Pay and benefits commensurate upon experience. Send resume with cover letter to Annette Sisco at [email protected]. Employment is open to all without regard to age, ethnicity, race, skin color, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. Fall Gathering of the Greater New Orleans Episcopal Church Women The Fall Gathering of the Greater New Orleans Episcopal Church Women will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2018, at St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 3643 Aurora Drive, New Orleans, LA 70131. This is a wonderful opportunity to share church activities with other churches in the area. Please see Maureen or Marcie on Sunday for car pooling information, or call Maureen at 504-453-1295. Little Free Pantry - CANNED GOODS DRIVE COMPETITION We are doing another canned goods drive competition, but this time instead of competing against each other, Annunciation will be competing against our preschool, Child Development Program! Starting Sunday, Sept 9th, and running through the end of September. Bring in your goods, don’t let the preschoolers beat us! Put them in the box in Vail Hall. DONATION GUIDELINES: Food should be in easy-open containers that don’t require a can opener. We also need travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, small packs of wet wipes and diapers, Ensure for infants and adults, and small packets of dry food such as cereal. Vestry Meeting - Thursday 10/18 @6:30pm The next Vestry meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 18 at 6:30pm. Vestry members and officers, please email your reports and any discussion items to Rev. Duane or Annette by Monday, October 15. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thanksgiving Day Meal Gladewaves Foundation is partnering again with Annunciation to put on the community Thanksgiving meal at Annunciation. Rosanne Adderley has agreed to co-chair the event with Rev. Duane. We will need volunteers to assist on Thanksgiving Day. If you are interested in helping, please sign up with Rosanne Adderley or Rev. Duane. Missed Last Sunday? If you missed last Sunday’s service, or you would like to hear Rev. Duane’s sermon again, every week a link to the previous Sunday’s sermon will be included with the emailed Weekly News. You can also find the sermon recordings on our website, If you are not already receiving the emailed Weekly News and would like to be, email Rev. Duane at [email protected] to be added to the list. Prayer Requests Prayers for health are requested for Linda Guillory, Noel Prentiss, Reggie Majarrez, Arthur Escalante, Roland Hoffmann, Joseph Carr, Sebastian Terrell, Jane Mertens, Laurel Clarke, Corey Perkins, Melissa Dousenberg, Rachel Huskey, Jane Willis, Roberta Lamonica, Kelly Los, Daniel Elizardi, KeShuna Jones Lee, and Merrilyn Cobert. Prayers for deployed soldiers: Specialist Eddie Thomas. Prayers for safe travels: None. Prayers for the repose of the soul: Bunny Walker Prayers for birthdays: Russell Young Sr (09/06), Pamela Meredith (09/08), Glenys Hall (09/21), Rhyder McGuire (09/23), and Steven Kennedy (09/30). To request prayers by Wednesday, contact Rev. Duane at [email protected] or (504) 895-8697 ext.1. Announcements follow the service in Vail Hall! In order to allow for more community announcements, parishioners are now invited to make announcements directly after the service in Vail Hall, over coffee and pastries. A bell will be rung to signal when announcements are starting. Wanted: News of local civic events, family milestones, updates on former parishioners, charitable causes seeking support, PSAs, etc. Announcements are also wanted for this newsletter! Please contact Rev. Duane Wiggin-Nettles to have your news published at (504) 895-8697 ext. 1, [email protected]. The DEADLINE for new announcements is Wednesdays at Noon to make the Sunday Weekly News. Comments are closed.
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